Who we are
RESPECT is a non-profit society dedicated to providing support, education and advocacy for women that have experienced domestic abuse. RESPECT endeavors to build awareness about the realities and dynamics of abuse. RESPECT works toward the elimination of abuse against women and promotes equality for all women.
RESPECT is comprised of a group of women from a variety of backgrounds. We each have a different story to tell, but the common thread in each of our stories is that we were abused by an intimate partner and took action to change our lives.
RESPECT has been in existence since 2004.
What we do
We continue to be storytellers, wherever asked, in counselling classrooms, schools of theology, church services, community groups, church annual general meetings, universities and workshops on abuse. Our goal is to dispel the stereotypes that people hold regarding who the victims of abuse are. We desire to increase awareness regarding the many types of abuse and their impact. Physical abuse is not the only abuse that can cause the death of a victim.
We speak to various women to give encouragement, advice on the legal process and safety strategies in getting out of an abusive relationship or in coping in one.
We offer understanding and compassion to women who are experiencing abuse. We know how alone and crazy you can feel. We speak to some on the phone and to others who approach us after our speaking engagements.
We occasionally offer free counselling to desperately needy women who have no access to helpful resources.
We place the book, “When Love Hurts”, in various libraries, some jails, in doctor’s offices, etc. with the aim of reaching the public at large with information. We have found that many people think that “abuse” is only physical and involves only the lower, uneducated classes. They do not realize the far-reaching scope and impact of it. Many of us did not realize that what we were living with was abuse.
We fund Phase II Support Groups for women. The Phase I Groups are funded by a transition house and society in New Westminster. We know that attending one 10-week support group only scratches the surface as far as the support needed. We hope to be able to have the funds to support Phase III groups in the future.
We are there to support and walk alongside someone living the reality of abuse in their lives. RESPECT also strives to provide women with the tools that they need in order to leave abusive relationships and the warning signs to look for in potential future relationships.